Bagian Akhir Buku Putih ITB 1977/78
Setelah gw baca bukunya, yaa... gw senang banget sama bagian terakhir dari buku tersebut. Buku yang di terbitkan oleh mahasiswa ITB tahun 77/78 itu punya sastra yang sangat indah. Yaa inilah bagian terakhir dari buku itu yang sengaja gw posting di blog gw. Semoga bermanfaat! Salam, AN APPEAL TO THE WIVES OF OFFICIALS Dear Ibu.... we would like to express our innermost feelings, and especially to Ibu Tien Suharto > because we know that you have great influence on the wives of other officials . Dear Ibu.... we are happy that in having an active role in development, women are no longer bound to the smoke of the kitchen. You, Ibu, have been active both in encouraging the diligence of your husbands and in improving your own individual selves. We can observe this from your activities. You are leaders or members of philanthropic organizations, of sports associations such as golf, tennis, or badminton clubs, of art societies, of orchid-growing societies, and of antique- c...